export default const 
FullStackDeveloper {
};// -----------
export const Bio = () => (
<pre >

Hello! Thanks for stopping by. My name is John and I'm a{"Software Engineer"}This site was created to be a small demonstration of my web development abilities. You can find the code for this site on my GitHub page. Please feel free to explore the other projects as well.

I have been intrigued by software development since my early childhood. My first programming{"experience"} was on the Commodore 64 with MS-Basic, where I learned that I could make computers perform my bidding with a small amount of effort. Since then, my interests have evolved over the years, but I think that I'll always have a special place in my heart for {"developing products"} that are visually enticing and technically challenging. If I can learn something new and create something beautiful in the process, I'll consider it a win any day of the week!

Thank you again for your time.

//John Stringer
